Around the Table- a silly story

Ordinary: Chaos at dinner time, plus 2 more kids
Extraordinary: An unforgettable, precious little story I'll tell my kids (and their 2 cousins) for years. :)

This past weekend I kept my sister's two little ones, "Tighty" and "Yaya", and it was definitely busy at our place. Yaya is 4 and Tighty is not even 2, so combine that little recipe with another restless 4 year old and a curious and super smart almost 7 year old, and you have a perfect dish of entertaining chaos. They have their quiet moments, but I'll be honest. When it's too quiet I'm worried. Chaos is pretty much what you expect with 4 kids.

Ok, so it's been a busy 24 hours of Cinco De Mayo fun, and I'm frantically trying to cook dinner (ok, ok I didn't cook- I was frantically trying to plate up the Chinese takeout), and the kids are begging me for "lunch". First of all this makes me feel a bit guilty at first and I think "did I not feed them today?", and then I remember that Yaya calls every meal lunch (it seems). Anyways, I helped them understand that dinner was coming quickly, and I asked them to go sit at the table. After they were seated, I asked them to go around the table and tell each other their favorite part of the weekend together. I figured this might help them (and me) remember the highlights of the "cousin weekend". Anyways, I hear IPK going first (she liked playing Mind Flex), and then I see her walking, but she gets back into her seat. Then, they decide it's Yaya's turn, and I hear her mentioning liking playing with the toys, but she is walking, too (??). At this point I'm wondering if I was the only one in the backyard with the sprinkler, or at Nana's with the pinata. Anyways, then, it's Punkin's turn, and she starts to talk. Instantly, IPK interrupts her and says "No- you have to walk around the table!!". .....Aha. "Go around the table and tell each other your favorite part of the weekend".  Mommy's favorite memory from the weekend right there folks.

Hopeful everyone had a great weekend (and thankful for the pressure to post- BK and ML),
In Him,


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