Update: Knapp Family Soap

Ok, so if you missed my last post, we started a soap business from home. We're making the soap for ourselves anyways, and the soap is so wonderful that we decided to make it available for sale. You'd have to know that my husband is a chef, and he's using his skills on making soap, so every bar is like a symphony of scent and texture. It's good soap.

Here's what we did this weekend:

  • We figured our our packaging, and a small free gift for every order.
  • We did a cost analysis on ingredients and packaging so we could get prices right. This may sound boring to some of you, but if you know us....we both love this sort of thing. The Coffee scrub bar was re-named the Vanilla Latte Bar, since it smells more like vanilla (but has coffee in it). The price was set at $5 per bar for 4.5 ounces. Again, I just love this bar- my favorite so far. It's probably because it has coffee in it, and that's all it takes. 
  • Husband (the Soap Chef and CEO) made a new soap bar, and you will get an update on that soon. Here's a hint:

And we got samples ready for the vanilla latte bar, but I'm going to hold off on handing them out until we make more bars. There's only one left from the first batch!

Here's a picture of how cute this batch of samples is for the Vanilla Latte bar. Future samples will probably come in a little zip lock bag, but until we get those in, I can't help myself from making these samples cutie patootie:

Until next week! Enjoy your soaps if you have one of our bars...it's hand made with lots of love. 



  1. We are pre-selling the new goat milk soap bar, Honey and Oats, for $6 for a full bar, or $4 for a half bar. It's pretty sweet!


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