
Showing posts from October, 2012

5 Tips for Keeping it Simple

"Simplify to Maximize!" I don't know about you, but when I heard the phrase "simplify to maximize" I was like...."Yes! Sign me up!!". I totally agreed, but I didn't really know how to do it. Sometimes, ironically,  the act of simplification can feel complicated, but it's all about forcing yourself to think through the situation or complication. One of my favorite sayings is "The problem is not the problem. The problem is not knowing how to think about the problem". After a little bit of practice, I discovered it's easy- it'll just take a few minutes of your time. Your time is precious, but because of the amount of time you save in the long run, it's worth it 100x. Here's how to think through simplification: 1)  Identify the complication(s) in your life you want to simplify.  Symptoms of a complicated situation are dreading dealing with it, it leaves you drained, and it may leave or create a mess. Are...

Simply Tea Time

Blessing # 593: Tea Time with my Girls !! Tea Time!!!!! (or the idea of it) I learned about Tea Time at my Aunt Wanda's funeral earlier this year. Several of her children and grandchildren brought up the tea times she had with them as their fondest memories with her. She used that time to talk to them about the Bible and guide them in Biblical principles and encourage them. Her funeral was a sad day, and I didn't expect to walk away with a treasure that would bless me and my family, but God works in mysterious ways.  Ok, so now the question is, what is Tea Time, and why do we do it? Tea time is quality mother daughter time when I put down the chore list (and my phone), and all of the other distractions of life, and I focus on the most important little treasures in my life. My baby girls.  We do tea time every Saturday at 5 pm. We have some sort of warm fruity tea (I'll add green tea if they are anxious or tired, or maybe chamomile if they are bouncing of...