Simply Tea Time

Blessing # 593: Tea Time with my Girls!!

Tea Time!!!!! (or the idea of it)

I learned about Tea Time at my Aunt Wanda's funeral earlier this year. Several of her children and grandchildren brought up the tea times she had with them as their fondest memories with her. She used that time to talk to them about the Bible and guide them in Biblical principles and encourage them. Her funeral was a sad day, and I didn't expect to walk away with a treasure that would bless me and my family, but God works in mysterious ways. 

Ok, so now the question is, what is Tea Time, and why do we do it?

Tea time is quality mother daughter time when I put down the chore list (and my phone), and all of the other distractions of life, and I focus on the most important little treasures in my life. My baby girls.  We do tea time every Saturday at 5 pm. We have some sort of warm fruity tea (I'll add green tea if they are anxious or tired, or maybe chamomile if they are bouncing off the walls). We have a sweet snack, and the point is very strategic. This is my time to talk to them about what God needs and expects from them in His Kingdom. I tell them the important stuff. 

Tea Time Rules:
  • We start on time as often as possible- 5pm on Saturday
  • We open with prayer (oh this is so nice to just pray together with my girls)
  • They get real ceramic mugs to drink out of and we use Aunt Wanda's pretty little china bowls.
  • They get a special treat or snack (usually sweet as you see the cookies below). Sometimes I'll do a snack tray with veggies, crackers, and hummus. 
  • Daddy hides in the back room (he is ok with this after a busy Saturday)
  • Listen up-There is a point to tea time, and mommy has something important to say.

Tea Time Tip:
Mommy probably knows what she wants to talk about (Proverbs 31 can give you a few weeks worth of talks), but for the crazy weeks where I'm at a loss: We use a devotional book for girls to guide our conversations. Devotions for Girls: God and Me. 

Here are my little angels all sugared up and excited about Tea Time:

So, we have done this for 6 months now, and it's completely transformed my relationship with them, and hopefully it's helped them understand better their role as Christian women. We talk about tea time during the week. We buy special cookies sometimes, or make them together at home if we have time. They know it's coming on Saturday, and we all look forward to it. At the end of the week I don't have that nagging regret; I feel like I did something that matters. 

I call that a win/win/win!!!

What have you incorporated into your routine to give you time to talk to your children about God?


  1. This is brilliant! I am gonna start doing this with my daughter.


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