
Showing posts from March, 2012

Lunch Box Makeover

Ordinary: Packing a school lunch Extraordinary: Feeling like I'm nourishing her soul and her tummy I don't claim that this was my idea. Some other very thoughtful Christian person decided to take action and make a website and email list to send busy moms like me something special. Every week  I print off the sheet of Bible verses that are emailed to me, one for each school day, and cut them out. I put them into the basket on our counter so I don't forget about them. That's the important part- putting them somewhere in sight, and having tape near by. When making her lunch every morning, I take that day's verse out, and tape it to the inside top of her lunch box. This is so simple, but since my daughter can read now, I want to take every opportunity to impress upon her the importance of staying in the Word. While she is at school this is pretty much my only chance I have to do that. It's also my only chance to pat her on the back and give her a bit of encoura

Fuel for thought

Perched close to a lake, in the company of loved ones, today is a thinking day...a day away from doing and being. Just a day to wonder. Possibilities, reasons, plans, goals, asking "why?", and being grateful. I think today I could probably list a thousand single things or people I'm just plain grateful for. God continues to bless us. Maybe a new series of future posts? Stay tuned. Until then..... Today I've decided to focus my "think" on the definition of extraordinary to help me find it in my daily life. I admit some days feel less than extraordinary. Every day feels blessed and happy and good, but some days I have trouble finding that "wow" moment to write about. I'm hoping this time together today refuels my "wows". :) Ok, here's the definition: ex·traor·di·nar·y   ( k-strôr dn- r , k str -ôr -) adj. 1. Beyond what is ordinary or usual: extraordinary authority. 2. Highly exceptional; remarkable: an extraordinary a

Book Review: Great Leaders Grow

Ordinary: Read a book for professional development (I do this often) Extraordinary: Reading a book that enables you to be a more confident mentor to others and gives you specific tools and suggestions to pass along (and some for yourself, too!).  The book Great Leaders Grow is a quick read. No big words, and no big, new ideas. However, it's just SO simple it's lovely. It tells of a young man, Blake, having recently lost his father, finding his first job, and being mentored by one of his fathers friends (Debbie). His relationship with his father seems to grow deeper through this process as he discovers what his father meant when he said his last words to his son "you can be a leader". Blake chews on these words for weeks, trying to understand why his dad would say this. What did he mean? Could he really be a leader?Did he even want to? My favorite parts of the book were the conversations Blake and Debbie have at the coffee shop. Debbie takes this opportunity to

Fight Like a Boy

Ordinary: It's my sister in law's birthday, and I forgot to send a card, so I'm feeling pretty crumby Extraordinary: My sister in law is also currently in chemo treatment for stage 3 colon cancer, and she's my hero (and hopefully this post will tell her in case she has any doubts) It was a few months ago when we got the news that she had the "c" word. I can't even think or say it. It's so harsh, and presumptuous. Not her- she can't have something like that. She's so strong. The mom to two spunky boys, and the wife of my brother, who's quite the manly man. She's tough.  She did Tough Mudder for goodness sake. She is a marathon runner. She's just slightly older than myself. Not her, please God. I haven't even gotten to know her well enough. We haven't lived in the same state. I haven't been the sister I really wanted to be...yet. God please give me a chance. After we heard the news that it was a reality for her and o

I wish it could be me

Ordinary: a sick kid, and then the other gets sick a day later.... Extra: Little one (Punkin) got sick after big girl (IPK). So, big girl says "Mom, when she gets sick I just wish it could be me.". Me: "Wow". My thoughts: My girls argue every now and then. We have a small house, so they get in each other's way, but they love each other SO much. It actually reminds me of the kind of love I'm called to show my biological sisters, and my sisters in Christ...AND my future sisters in Christ. How many times have I thought of a friend, almost called, and then decided not to. She's probably busy anyways. How many times have I almost given someone a compliment, and then shyed  away, or rushed right by. Shame on me; love is all that matters. Just say it. Just do it. Faith working by love was the theme of a recent women's weekend I attended, and it reminds me of a sweet woman we had to say goodbye to recently, my aunt. Aunt W never second guessed herself.