Random Roses from Mister B

Mister B is the best. On Friday afternoon I had a random thought that I might stop to get flowers to put in the living room. I've wanted to add a dash of color to our blah creamy beige theme. But, I decided to stay focused and went straight home to start dinner and get the girls from school.

Then an hour or so later..... He, Mister B, walks in with 18 beautiful roses. He had no hints, just said he had me on his mind today. Me plus random roses (first time in years!!) = happy wife.

 I was so excited to have the beautiful roses in the house. It motivated me to make the rest of the house prettier and get ready for fall. I pulled out the fall decorations and then filled the freezer with an italian beef stew.  Now I just need a cool breeze to really get in the fall mood, but I guess I shall wait prayerfully for a few more weeks.

As a special thank you to my special man, here are 18 colorful reasons (one for each rose!) why I love him:

1) He buys me random roses.
2) He loves Jesus and leads our family closer to Him.
3) He can cook better than me (and better than pretty much anyone else I know)
4) Have you seen him lately? He's just a really classic handsome. I love that strong jaw line and those eyes.
5) He gave me two precious daughters
6) He takes his girls skateboarding even after a full day of yard work
7) He teaches Bible classes and uses greek root words. That's such a turn on.
8) He never says "I told you so"
9) He loves his family and is always excited to see them.
10) He is a good doggy daddy and spoils Molly whenever he can
11) He knows my taste for music better than I know myself.  Checkout Background by LeCrea.
12) He takes his vitamins
13) He laughs at my stupid animal jokes (what do whales chew?....blubber gum!!)
14) He fully supports and appreciates my career
15) He is the most passionate and wise leader I know
16) My mommy prayed for us to find him before we met.
17) His mom and dad have been a blessing to me and our family.
18) He gives me random hugs when he knows I'm stressed. What a great man.

I love you Mister B!


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