
Showing posts from September, 2014

What I believe

Jim Rohn says your personal philosophy (what you believe) is the way we set the sails of our life. It will determine the direction we will go. What philosophy is setting your sails? For many years I've drifted without really setting my sails towards a purposeful direction or clearly defined philosophy. Yes. I've drifted WITH God towards gratitude,abundance, blessings, faith, knowledge (of Him), hard work, and love , but if I'm honest with myself....I've drifted. I've used my busy schedule as an excuse not to grow in a clearly defined, purposeful direction. But God knows when we are drifting, and when it's time to set the sails. Today I  was reading a Holistic Anatomy book, and my beliefs were clarified before my eyes as I read the pages. The page right after the references to earth energy, evolution, and  the book described the "amazing DESIGN of a semipermeable cell membrane". Did you get that? The amazing design!  The existence of design natu...