Learning to Teach

Today my 4 year old little girl wanted me to read her a few books while my other daughter did homework. Tempted to tell the little one "go ask your dad", I thought, ever so quickly, that I just MIGHT think back as a decreped 80 year old and completely cry about the day I didn't read to my baby girl when she asked, so I did. So, as we were reading tho story of Jonah I decided to point to a few words and ask her to sound them out. She just turned 4, so she isn't reading yet, but she knows the sounds of most letters. Well, at first she recognized "the" and "a", but by the end she knew Jonah. And Nineveh. And then it happened. I pointed to the word God for her to sound it out, and she did. It's like she already knew it. Then, the word God came up again. Again she knew it. So I thought to myself, that my completely ordinary tendency was to tell my little girl that I was too busy to read with her. If I had done that I would have missed out on a completely special moment as a mom.

The Extra in the Ordinary today: Watching my little girl learn the MOST important word she will ever read. God. He is the extra in all of our ordinary. It's completely appropriate that He would choose today for me to watch her learn to read HIS name. Blessed be his name.


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