I wish it could be me

Ordinary: a sick kid, and then the other gets sick a day later....

Extra: Little one (Punkin) got sick after big girl (IPK). So, big girl says "Mom, when she gets sick I just wish it could be me.". Me: "Wow".

My thoughts: My girls argue every now and then. We have a small house, so they get in each other's way, but they love each other SO much. It actually reminds me of the kind of love I'm called to show my biological sisters, and my sisters in Christ...AND my future sisters in Christ.

How many times have I thought of a friend, almost called, and then decided not to. She's probably busy anyways. How many times have I almost given someone a compliment, and then shyed  away, or rushed right by. Shame on me; love is all that matters. Just say it. Just do it. Faith working by love was the theme of a recent women's weekend I attended, and it reminds me of a sweet woman we had to say goodbye to recently, my aunt. Aunt W never second guessed herself. Others were always first. She decided to forsake all else for Jesus and just "go for it". She was a missionary in Africa. She adopted many. She influenced scores. It was all out of her LOVE for Christ, and the love he taught her to have for others. Faith working through love. I'll take this with me this week. No holding back. Just do it.

Love ya Sis,



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