Listen to My Voice

Ordinary: Bath time frustrations with kids
Extraordinary: Hearing God's voice among the noise

My daughters like to test my patience at bed time. Well, they don't do it on purpose, but they are really good at it. I, on the other hand have had plenty of bed time opportunities to cultivate a very refined patience level. God chooses moments such as this to teach me lessons I'll never forget.

On one such occasion, my oldest girl, IPK, was finishing in the bathtub, and while competing with the usual background noise in the house, I told her it was time to "pull the plug please, and get out of the bath". I'm sitting right there with her, so I didn't yell. My voice was firm, but I was competing with the background noise which was much more attractive to her ears. A show on TV, daddy's computer, and sister's story telling from the bedroom. She didn't even look at me, so I knew she wasn't listening. I said it again, and then a third time. I took a deep breath. My heart and body were tired. My head hurt, too. Finally I took her pretty face in my hands and turned it to my face (gently), and repeated myself, and I told her something I may never forget. I told her that there are many different voices she can choose to hear, but when she is with me she needs to try to hear my voice, listen, and obey. I told her I was here to help her and to keep her safe, and I know what's best for her. Wow. When I heard myself say it I felt like God had gently taken my face in His hands, turned me to Him, and was telling me to listen to Him. Yes, God. I hear you!!

We have so many choices every day. Every choice has a consequence. How often do I subconsciously choose to listen to the noise in life, and not God's voice? Sometimes the noise is an unnecessary distraction like an advertisement, radio, Facebook, or TV. Sometimes it's my own doubts or fears, and sometimes it's just noise. Some of it I need to hear to live my life, but on the other hand (as my daughter would say) "some of this is trash". (we both like to throw old things away).

All I know is that God is our Father. He knows what is best for us. HE has the answers. The Word is alive, the Holy Spirit is alive, and if we choose to listen to Him through the Word and through a healthy prayer life, He will guide our paths, make them straight, lead us besides still waters, and plant many fruitful trees within us along the way.

Try this video on for size, and get ready to Listen. :)
Casting Crowns The Voice of Truth

Today I choose to listen to His voice. What has God spoken to you this week through His Word?

In Him,


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