Blessing #254

Summer, as usual, has been a time of busy activities and extraordinary opportunities, and I regret that I have not written about the many things I've learned and encountered. However, I am glad to say I've accomplished two important things in the last couple of months in regards to personal development.

1) I've done the 8 minute fat burning cardio at home workout just about every day. I may not be in the best shape of my life, but I am gradually retraining myself to work out more consistently, which has been helpful. Now I just don't feel as good if I don't do something to get my body moving. Somehow the 8 minutes does the trick.

2) I've been pretty good at keeping a gratitude journal. My goal is to reach 1,000 blessings by December 31, 2012, so I better get busy. I try to log 3 blessings every night on my iphone notepad before bed. I'm on blessing #254. (ps. My oldest child came across this on my phone and said "wow mom- I'm so proud of you!). :)

So, what's blessing #254? Could it be my kids? No, they were in the top 10 for sure. Could it be my husband? No, he was in the top 3. Is it this blog? No, it was in the top 100 somewhere. I'm recording blessing #254 as second chances. God's love is more faithful than the morning, and even when we fail to live up to the ideals we set for ourselves, God still loves us. God is ready and waiting with another chance. He wants to see us do better next time. His love should fuel our desire to push past the ordinary, and uncover the secrets of the extraordinary life He has waiting for us.

Thank you to my 4 year old for reminding me today that God always gives us another chance.

Still on a journey to find the extra in our ordinary,



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