Abundance and 100X: Your Abundant Future

The “Abundance mindset” is similar to the Dan Sullivan 10X mindset (President and founder of Strategic Coach) in many ways. Dan Sullivan also talks about the mind boggling leaps of technological advancements since the discoveries that have allowed computer chip capacity to increase. He refers to it as endless global change. This trend is formally referred to as Moore's law. In an age of endless global change, the only way to plan for success and continue to be leaders is to plan with at least 10x growth in mind. This opens our brains to new possibilities. Often, the ceiling of complexity or confusion we experience is self imposed. Once we give ourselves time and brain space to think things through, and we open our mind to ABUNDANCE, our brains can then go to work doing what they do best. The average person uses about 10% of their brain capacity, and I don’t know about you, but I’m interested in unlocking the other 90%. 

10x wasn’t good enough for the Hotze team, though. We decided to go for 100x. Since that commitment to seek out abundance and think bigger, we have been exposed to so many new opportunities and resources. In May we implemented a new Impact statement that brought clarity to what we do:

Restoring Health, Transforming lives, Improving our world, Naturally.

Clarity is important before trying to grow 10x or 100x. You have to know what you are trying to do, and you have to be able to visualize success. You need a road map and a motivating vision.

Thinking 100x and having an abundant mindset has worked so well as a thinking strategy for our businesses, but could it also be applied to us personally?

As Jim Rohn says….”Of COURSE!”

How can you figure out what abundance and 100x growth looks like for you? Well, you can start by asking yourself this question (this is called the “ R factor question”):

If we were to meet again in a year, what would had to have happened in order for you to be happy with your progress?

Start here, and try to clarify success for yourself (at least short term). Open your mind to the possibilities. Don’t make assumptions. Don’t limit yourself. This is also a vital place to be still for a few minutes and open your mind to God’s will for your life through prayer.

So, I can hear you thinking. Tink- what have you done? How have you opened up your mind and thought big?

Well, let me tell you. I grew up with a learning disability, and school was hard for me. It was hard to focus. It was hard to read. Some teachers didn’t spend a lot of time with me. Others did, like my mom. She knew I needed extra help.

Another way my mom helped me was that she decided not to put me in special classes. She decided that those classes may hinder me more than help, and I am glad she didn’t. It wasn’t until later in my life that I figured out why school was harder for me. I figured out after I graduated from high school with advanced placement credit. I figured out after I graduated from college with honors. I figured it out after I got my dream job that required lengthy amounts of reading and testing.  And, I figured it out before I became the director of a business and a leader to several young professionals. If I would have thought that I was at a disadvantage or limited myself I wouldn’t be where I am with the opportunity for future growth and development. 

I don’t remember ever telling anyone about my learning disability except my husband, and it felt good to tell you here. Don’t place limits on your thinking. Don't place limits on what you think you can become. There are creative solutions waiting for you. I’ve overcome my learning issues through hormones and vitamins/supplements. I’ll post on that in the future.

Until then, try to answer the question about what needs to happen in the next year to be happy with your progress, and start charting out your course towards the extraordinarily abundant success God already has planned for you.

Happy for your progress,



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