Prioritizing Your Day with Sea Shells

Sea shells: Have You Heard the Story?
Legend says there was a man, walking on the beach, picking up seashells. Of course, most of them are broken, but he wants to keep as many as possible, so he picks up one after another. Finally his hands are full, and he has to drop a broken shell or two to make room for a new broken shell, but he keeps going on and on. Finally, he finds the most beautiful shell, completely whole, but he doesn't have room in his hands. He is unwilling to drop his broken shells to pick up the one whole shell, so it stays on the beach, and the man walks away sad with regret. 
Why do we pick up broken shells? What's your broken shell? Is it worry? Is it a broken memory from your past that you can't let go of? Is it an expired dream? A broken heart? Is it the notion that you can do it all? Sometimes I think I can fill my hands with 50 broken shells, and then I have to remind myself to keep an eye out for the shells that count, and just try to hang on to those. Broken shells can weight me down and cause me more worry. 
Today try to keep an eye out for the whole shells. Look for truth, love, blessings, righteousness, goodness, purity, beauty, courage, or an opportunity to do a good work (Eph 4:10). When we look for these whole shells we likely find enough to keep us busy, but if at the end of the day all you have is broken shells (we all have those days), give it all to Jesus. He can take a hand full of brokenness and make it new and whole again. 

  • Put a seashell on your desk at home or at work to remind you to take another look at the things you are needlessly holding on to.
  • Write out a definition of the broken pieces you tend to hold on to. Is it worry? Is it untruthful doubting? Is it mind zapping TV episodes? Do you compare your insides to the outsides of others?
  • Write out the definition of what a "whole shell" looks like for you. Is it something that advances your spirituality? Does it inspire you or fill up your tank? Is it an opportunity to do a good work? Is it a learning opportunity?
  • Make a to-do list for today and rearrange it based on what you want and need to be holding by the end of the day.
  • Keep a gratitude journal. God will give you many whole shells today if you are looking for them; so remember them and be thankful!
Happy for your progress,



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