Mr. Extraordinary for President

In the midst of a stressful election, I'd like to help everyone remember a core truth. The President is no doubt important, but the President of the United States is not the only position or person leading us. He's not the only leader that matters. Governors matter, Judges matter, elders of the church matter, bosses matter, fathers matter, and husbands matter. For many of us with Godly husbands, they matter a LOT. They are the ones leading our households day in and day out in the God-ward direction. They may not get a final say in gas prices or the unemployment rate, but they are building our families. The bottom line is that they are protecting our lives and souls with their whole selves. Mr. Extraordinary is my husband, and today I'll focus on the extraordinary Christian leadership he continues to provide for our family...

A few things about Mr. Extraordinary:
He loves his wife and little girls with all his heart
He loves God even more
He can take anything out of the pantry, whip it up, and viola- masterpiece (he doesn't even taste it)
Yes, he's very good looking, but as we've already said- he's taken, that we have that
He went to school for Hotel and Restaurant Management (as did I- it's a great place to meet a chef)
He is a huge Notre Dame fan, and I'm coming along in that direction- Play Like  a Champion!
He is an Eagle Scout
He can tell you anything you want to know about any car or truck...ever made
He's the cream in my coffee, the icing on my cake, the daddy of my girlies, my priority, my Love, and my life.
Oh, and somehow he manages to usually keep me on time (I'm late if left to my own devices)
Blessing # 714. Mr Extraordinary:

Sometimes out of nowhere my 4 year old will look up at daddy and say "Daddy, you're a good man", and I must agree with her!

Remember that you are your husband's appointed help mate. It's our job to lift them up and remind them what God thinks of them, and how important their roles are in our families. No matter what happens tonight, let's all give husband a big hug and tell him that we have more faith in God and more love for him than fear about politics. 

So, today I vote for Mr. Extraordinary as the President of our family. I know you'll do a great job, Honey!

Do you have an amazing man in your life? What ways does he provide leadership?



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