Please excuse the mess!

Dear Beautiful You (yes you), 

Happy Friday! As our little Punkin' says- "it's my favorite week of the day!". 

Now that there are more than 1 of you, I'll take a moment to apologize for this blog mess. I'm updating the look and feel, moving things around, and it looks like a completely different site. I still don't have it just right yet, so that's just a heads up. Tomorrow it might be neon pink or something. Is this a midlife blog crisis? I don't think I'm quite old enough for that yet. Oh wait. Anyways.....

 Ahhhh I really do not like messes. If it feels chaotic I like to throw it away. BUT I love it when you visit me, and it's just way too like me to not have a "clean house" for you to see. 

To explain, I decided to update my blog to make it just an ounce more personal. I try way too hard to appear like I have it all together. The truth is that I don't! Try as I might; God's strength is perfected in my weaknesses, and maybe that's more encouraging to you anyways!

I'm just living an ordinary life, but trying to keep my eyes out for for the extraordinary. God surprises me so often with those moments when I least expect them, and that's what I like to write about. Ultimately He's the essential in our ordinary, right?

Like how about this? Our little Punkin' going for a doodle bug. I'll try to post more pictures and stories of MY little doodle bugs, of IPK and Punkin. They are just a hoot. 

Happy Friday- check back soon!



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