Time Out!!!

From one mom to another, let's just say I can meet you right where you are today. You have a million things to do, several little shoulders to hug and mouths to feed (ones much bigger than the others), and far too few hours to get it all done, and very little (or zero) time to refresh yourself mentally, physically, or spiritually. "Me time" is rare for moms, and that's ok. If it were up to us, and we had a bottomless pit of energy, we'd probably never stop to take car of ourselves. God gave us that instinct to care of our families first. Our precious kids need so much of our attention while we are with them. I remember needing lots of attention when I was a kid, too. There's just only so much one brain and one body can take, right?

Some days I feel like this: (yes, even in my frustrated moments I'm probably thinking about coffee)

Of course, when we get to this point of frustration, we have a choice. We can spiral down the negative nancy, the sky is falling pathway, or we can take a time out. Yes, moms need time out too. I've been known to thrown up my hands and say "time out" and go into another room for 30 seconds. Even a small toddler won't die being alone for 30 seconds. Put them in the crib or portacrib. Put movie on for the little kids. Give a book to the kids that can read. Steal a moment for yourself and just take a few deep breaths, and give yourself a quick fill up:

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

I love this verse, because I want a renewed mind. Frustrations and distractions keep me from seeing the big picture. They can take my joy. They can fog my thinking. I'll turn into monster mom. But, if I can take time to renew my mind (and body energy), then it's a completely different story. These are some things that have worked for me.

1) Feed yourself spiritually. Read the Bible every day. Wake up early. Stay up 10 minutes later to read a chapter. Keep a Bible in the bathroom. Keep a Bible in the car. Your spirit can be refreshed with 5 minutes of reading about God's unfailing love for you, and being reminded of how we are called to love others.

2) Reconnect with God. Pray and spend quiet time with God every morning. Pray for your kids. Pray for your husband. I don't do this every day, I admit, but when I do this, my day takes a turn for the BETTER, because it's not my day anymore, it's Gods. I'm looking our for the god works He's prepared for me. Eph 2:10.

3) Keep a gratitude journal. I started this last year. It's life changing. I just keep a note on my phone called "2013 Blessings", and every night I add at least 3 things to the list.

4) Connect with other moms by reading blogs and getting involved at church and school. You'll find that other moms are dealing with similar, if not identical frustrations. Soon, the frustration becomes funny, and then you are back at it with your family. keeping things in perspective, and you have your "nice" back.

5) You have more answers than I do, so if you aren't already blogging and sharing your experiences and venting a little bit, then that may be the next step for you. Even if no one listens it helps you to feel like you are creating something, recording family experiences, sharing, and helping others.

I also do short but high impact work outs that are wondrous for relieving stress. What works for you?



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