Being a Woman of God- Closing Comments

I'm going to use my blog today to make my last few comments to the Bible class participants who were kind enough to listen to me and my friend, Robin for the last 13 weeks. Today for the last class we had really good participation, so we didn't get to make final comments.

Dear Women Of God,

The last 13 weeks have been so humbling! I thank God for the many moments where I prepared one lesson, and after praying "His will" over my thoughts, another lesson was delivered due to VERY insightful comments and stories from the class. Nancy's comments about courage, and her story about adoption, will stand out in my mind forever as the most noble and wise. Thank you, Nancy, for sharing.

When Robin asked me to help with the class I was a little baffled why. I have only in the last few years really started to dive deep into God's word, as I feel like I should have many years ago. My fear was- "someone is going to figure me out!". But, for every lesson that I needed to speak on, Robin guided me on general topics, and God was gracious enough to lead me to the parts of His word that would benefit both myself and the class. Through the process I learned two main things:

  1. Lean more on friends at church- and get to know them better. They know more than me!! (thats you Robin!)
  2. Lean more on God and less on my own understanding. HE is my help and hears my prayers. 
So, I just wanted to say, that for all of the points where we agreed we struggle: anxiety, worry, courage, pride, closed hearts, staying Holy, etc, just remember that you aren't alone. God is your help. To be a woman of God we must trust Him and walk in His ways, and ask for help when we need it. Walking towards God is sometimes a rocky path, but God holds out his hand to help us upward; we just need to take his help and keep our eyes on Him. 

With sincere Christian Love, 



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