Ferbie Boom is not the Ultimate

Recently I had a mommy moment that was out of the ordinary for me. My 8 year old daughter, IPK, said something entertaining yet ridiculous, and I happened to have something of substance to say in response to her. To God be the glory for that.

Ok, so we are pulling into Walmart (not my favorite moment of the week), and Bella is telling me about a new thing at school. I'm trying to hear her and really pay attention, but I must admit, I was barely listening as I'm trying to find a parking space. Her enthusiasm built, and she finally caught my ear....

"Mom, every one at school has a Ferbie Boom. It's so cool. It talks to you and dances and it's TIE-DYE. Everyone has one and it's just awesome."

I hear her say this, and I'm not excited. I'll need to tell her something along the lines of "That's ridiculous and you aren't getting one", but I'll be careful to try to say it in a kind way...I said I'd TRY. 

Then she says something that totally got my full attention. Thank goodness we were parked at this particular moment. "Mom. Febie Boom is the ultimate friend".

Rather than REACT I took a deep breath, and responded to her with some thoughts I'd recently had about who is "ultimate". I'd been in the mountains of Colorado and had had some time to reflect on God's beautiful creation, and it had reminded me of a few core truths that can help us keep perspective in daily life:

  1. God is the Ultimate Creator (Gen 1:1)
  2. You are His Ultimate Creation- yes YOU!! You are created in His image for the good works that he has planned for you to do! (Ephesians  2:10)
  3. His Ultimate plan is for your salvation (John 3:16)
  4. He wants to bring you to the Ultimate place, and save you from the ultimate death
  5. He is the Ultimate Friend
So, as I told IPK, and will remind you today, God is the ultimate friend, because HE created you, He knows your every thought. He has big plans for you, and he only wants what is best for your soul. Don't get distracted today with things or people that are not helpful to bring you closer to your true Ultimate Friend. 

So, IPK was happy to hear that she already has a friend much better than Ferbie. I think she just needed the reminder that day, as I myself often need. 


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