
Showing posts from January, 2014

A Tennessee Christmas Part 2

So, here's part 2 of our 2013 Christmas timeline! December 25th , Christmas Day was Wednesday: We opened presents early. Punkin had a stomach ache, probably from the antibiotics after the ear infection diagnosis the day before. IPK made blueberry muffins for her daddy. Good morning and Merry Christmas!! Punkin was pale and not feeling well :( Punkin's loot IPK's loot. That little purple ball is a Monstaz. All I know is it makes noise. Punkin feeling better! IPK was STOKED about Monopoly Empire Pink pants! yeah! IPK making muffins for daddy 2 sisters in new outfits from Grandma= 1 good Christmas! Christmas dinner was yum! Thank you Grandma!! December 26th , the day after Christmas was full of guns and bowling: Punkin's first time to shoot. Aim fire ready! Grandma giving bowling lessons.....the others are being silly.  Cheese! We played 2 games, lots of fun, but they were tired.  Wow- that wa...

A Tennessee Christmas Part 1

This post is a little late, but better late than never! Over Christmas break 2013 my husband and I took off about 2 week from work, and had a great Christmas/New Years. The big event was going to Tennessee to see Grandma Mary and Grandpa Jack. The 2013 Christmas Timeline: Friday December 20th : last day of work and Punkin's class Christmas party (no pictures, or I can't find them....) Saturday December 21st : Christmas with Nana and Papa, and the rest of Husband's family Password journal! Happy Happy joy joy!! MMM smell that soap! Sunday December 22nd: Church, and then road trip to Tennessee. We didn't leave until 3:30pm, which was challenging. Most of the trip was after dark. I wanted to stop and stay the night at Baton Rouge (after a big dinner at Cracker Barrel), but he did not like this idea, so he kept driving. At 2am I performed a very risky stunt by waking up, drinking coffee, and attempting to drive and act awake. After 1 hour of ...

Update: Knapp Family Soap

Ok, so if you missed my last post, we started a soap business from home. We're making the soap for ourselves anyways, and the soap is so wonderful that we decided to make it available for sale. You'd have to know that my husband is a chef, and he's using his skills on making soap, so every bar is like a symphony of scent and texture. It's good soap. Here's what we did this weekend: We figured our our packaging, and a small free gift for every order. We did a cost analysis on ingredients and packaging so we could get prices right. This may sound boring to some of you, but if you know us....we both love this sort of thing. The Coffee scrub bar was re-named the Vanilla Latte Bar, since it smells more like vanilla (but has coffee in it). The price was set at $5 per bar for 4.5 ounces. Again, I just love this bar- my favorite so far. It's probably because it has coffee in it, and that's all it takes.  Husband (the Soap Chef and CEO) made a new soap bar...

Introducing Knapp Family Soap Co!

Guess what?! We are starting to make soap so that YOU can have high quality, natural goat milk soaps from pure ingredients for soft and healthier skin! A few months ago we ordered 4 goat milk soap bars online. A bar for him, a bar for her, a bar for our 2 little girls, and a bar for Molly, our dog, and we all loved it. For the little girls it was especially good. We had been using a very gentle soap for them that was probably better for babies or small kids, and not strong enough to fight bacteria and germs from daycare carried home by a 6 and 8 year old  playing in dirt, and being around other sick kids. As a result of not using the right soap for the girls, they probably got sick one too many times, and had some skin issues. Our 6 year old (Punkin), had a rash that we'd been trying to fight for weeks. We'd used creams and oils and anything we could think of, and we were just about to get a prescription for an antifungal cream when the soap came in the mail. And I'...

Mary Faith Versus Martha's Fall (and mine)

Funny story ( this was the extra in my ordinary this week!! )..... I was taking dirty laundry to the garage on Wednesday night. I rounded the corner too quickly, stepped on a water puddle beside the dog's water bowl (on tile floors), and went barreling down to the floor and directly smacked my left knee on the tile as my ankle and toes were crunched in the process. It felt like slow motion, and as I laid there alone watching my knee swell and wondering if I was about to have to go to the ER,....I realized I fell because I was rushing, and trying to do too much on my own. Ouch. That realization hurt as much as my knee. Talk about a wake up call. Doing too much by myself too fast = falling and getting hurt. !! I do this all the time. Do you? As women I think we have it in our DNA to multitask, and to try to get too much done, and then we get hurt. Speaking of trying to do too much ....have you read about Mary and Martha, when Martha invited Jesus over to her house? It went kind...

When Oceans Rise

This week my family has been enjoying this song, because I have been playing it over and OVER! I think they call the a brain itch (when you can't get enough of a song). Any ways, this song is so beautiful, and full of truth. I think you will really enjoy it, but first I'll explain it a little bit, and why it speaks to me.  The song is a metaphor, showing how learning to trust God can feel like walking out into an ocean of water. Have you ever felt like you were in over your head? Like you were thrown into the deep end of the waters, and it felt like your feet couldn't touch the bottom? I've felt like that when my dad left my mom for another woman, and we found out he wasn't who we thought he was. I was about 27, but I felt like a 7 year old, crying for her daddy. My family lost a strong spiritual leader. The ground beneath my family broke apart, and we could either fall, or find something to hold on to. It was only at that time, and in that situation that I figur...