IPK's 9th Birthday

Our oldest daughter, IPK, turned 9 this week. It hardly seems like 9 years ago we were kissing her little forehead after her long awaited arrival.

I was on a 3 month bed rest before she was born. Then, I went 10 days over due before I had her. We were so ready to have her in our arms! After being induced due to high blood pressure, I finally had a c-section at about 6:50pm on a Friday night. She was a 8 pounds even, and so perfect. I cried when I saw her. My heart was beating on the outside of my body. I love my babies, and my first is of course no exception. Maybe that day my emotions were exaggerated because she was born by emergency c section, so when I heard her cry for the first time it was a relief (she was ok).

Over the years, she has learned to talk, learned to walk, learned to read, ride a bike, learned to love God, and to love His commandments. She is an advanced reader, a cat lover, and like a fish in water (loves to swim). She loves her sister and her 6 cousins (and one on the way). She loves to build with Legos and write stories. She loves to help people and take care of others. She makes me and her daddy proud. Oh, and she's working on learning how to clean her room. Almost there.

So, we threw together a small skating party for her for her 9th birthday. She had SO much fun skating with "in-lines", and couldn't believe there was a time we were all skating on 4 wheeler skates. There weren't a lot of kids there, so I stepped in (skated in) and risked my wrist bones and ankle bones to show her that she is loved. Can I just say that skating is not as hard as stopping without running into something/someone! :)

Skates strapped on, waiting for the whistle:

Can we do this cake thing any faster so I can get back out there to SKATE?

Skating forwards took about 5 minutes to learn. Skating backwards was a little trickier (but she did it!):

Happy 9th Birthday IPK! We love you!


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