Vacation (Bible School) 2014

Every year I take off a week in the summer to take my kids to VBS at our church. This year, I decided that going to VBS was not enough. I had to make it interesting. So I volunteered to co teach a VBS class. We asked for a class of older kids. I was thinking maybe kindergarteners or maybe 3rd grade. No, it was the 3 year olds class that needed teachers, so we accepted the "job" and started planning.

Getting ready to teach VBS took 13 weeks of planning time. It took calls, emails, shopping trips, to do lists, and filling out planning worksheets. I think I started over with the planning sheet 3 times to get a clean copy. And then I didn't even use it the week of. We were too busy taking care of 3 year olds!

The theme this year was "Even the Winds and the Waves Obey Him". We talked about God's power over creation, his power over the floods (Noah), the plagues, and the storms in the sea of Galilee. It was a powerful topic, and I think it spoke to the kids as well as adults. It was definitely a good reminder to me that God if God is powerful enough to command the winds and waves, and create the world as we know it, then He can take care of my worries. When the winds and waves are roaring, if we remember to call on Him out of a sincere faith, he will give us strength to endure, if not calm the storm completely.

The week of VBS we were at church from 9-1, and then we spent the afternoons running errands, and then doing at least 1 fun thing each day, even if it was small. One day we watched movies, one day we went to the mall, another day the pool (without Daddy for the first time!).

We were busy but it was fun. Here they are by the new (used) car before we left for Friday morning VBS. Do you like how IPK has her Gameboy with her? Can't be over prepared.

I generally want to get 20 things done when I'm on vacation, but this year it was different. Well, I still wanted to get 20 things done, but I knew I couldn't. I didn't even get a small bathroom painted. But I knew it was for a good reason. The more important thing was having a good week with my girls, and teaching VBS to a few super sweet 3 year olds. Ok, 1 was not sweet, but only 1 out of 9, so that's a great ratio. 

We did get to the pool 3 times (so maybe I am a slight shade of dark white finally). We got small things done around the house. Basically just caught up with house work. We celebrated IPKs 9th Birthday, and Father's Day. We got some work done on the car. We read books. We had Bible time. We made gluten free and dairy free chocolate chip cookies (recipe coming soon). We got some deep cleaning done, and got IPK a couple of new outfits. Oh, and I taught myself to French Braid, which only Punkin lets me do. IPK doesn't like all the fuss. :)

So, it was a good vacation. It went by fast, but it was good. 

So, Hi ho, Hi, ho, it's back to work I go.

Hoping your summer vacation is full of fun, too (and fills you up), 



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