Making Memories with Mr.M

This summer would easily classify, so far as one of the BUSIEST EVER.

Work is busy.
VBS was busy.
We've traveled.
I've traveled for work.
Art camp.
More work. Special Project.
Birthday parties.
House work.

But past all of the busyness, there's something happening that will matter after the busyness is gone.
 When the days get shorter and the pool closes, one of my sweetest summer memories will be the week we spent with Mr. M, my 6 year old nephew. He's here to visit from Minnesota. I'm so glad he is here.

We've watched movies.
We've built with legos.
We've gone skating.
Went to church ("there's as many people in here as there are songs to sing. (sad face)")
We've played outside.
We've ridden a large carousel.
We've shopped till we dropped.

And the entire time, he's constantly surprising me by opening up and letting me get to know him a little. What a treat this has been.

Past the busyness of summer, it's refreshing to stop and take account of the things or the times that you'll just never forget. This is one of those times!



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