Big Decisions: Homeschooling!

I've always been a "career woman". I love working and love business. This was good for our family to help us get to a certain point financially because I needed to be a co-provider.... But then....

The girls were getting older (9 and 12), and we had just paid off most of our bills (all but the house). I got a text from my husband in the middle of the work day letting me know that we had reached our goal and could operate with a single income pretty easily if we wanted to. Wow, then I had a decision to make. 

The first decision was  going part time or staying home completely? I decided to only stay home completely if I homeschooled. Otherwise I'd rather have a part time job to stay productive. 

The only thing I can say is that I had a sense that these girls were going to be out of the house before we knew it, and my memories with them would be limited to 6-9pm on weekdays and the weekends. I just felt like we needed more time together. I also have a pretty clear sense of what my middle schooler was up against in public school since that's where I went to school. 

So, talked to the girls to see what they thought about homeschooling. They were so excited to have the option , and  they chose to stay home. We got a new PC for home so I'd have a nice computer to work off for teaching. The girls were giddy. 

This is our first day of school pic for 2017-2018 school year. First day of first year of homeschool!

The rest of the story:

I wasn't as giddy at first (and neither was my employer). I was tired after 13 years of a fast paced life and job, but homeschooling sounded....hard .....and questionable. Would I be able to really teach them what they needed to know? Would I drop off the face of the earth from my friends and not be as social? Would we really have enough money to live and be healthy and well?

  • Yes, I've been able to teach them what they need to know. I went to school and college so I know this stuff :)
  • No, I didn't drop off the face of the earth. If anything I have MORE time for friends and thinking of them now. My social life had improved.
  • Yes, we have enough money. As soon as you trust God with one primary income (and pray about it!) He blesses you out of the blue and makes sure you are ok. Geez- I think we are even doing better now than we did before, because my extra income is icing on the cake. 
  • No, none of those fears were real. It was all just fear. 

We are on our 3rd month of homeschooling and I love it. I still get to write professionally from home. I'm still a certified nutritionist. I'm getting to "think business" as I help my 12 year old start her own business. PLUS I get enough sleep, my laundry is more caught up that it used to be (still not perfect of course), and I get to learn and make memories WITH my kids. We are closer than ever. 

Through all of this process of leaving the stress of full time work and coming home to my family (for the first time) husband got his wife back. I'm a better woman and I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to be home more. It really is where the heart is. 


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