It's a girl......Meet Zelda the GSP pup!

My husband has been wanting a German Short Haired Pointer for YEARS. He backpacks and wanted a dog that could take the long hikes in stride. He waited. We saved. We planned secretly, and then here she is. Meet Zelda. 

He texted me mid morning with a super cute series of pictures of GSP female pups. He said he MIGHT go look at puppies after work, even though we were pretty sure we still wanted to wait a couple of months to bring a new puppy home. I said I was fine with it. We were just looking. However, I knew that once he saw these pups he'd be in love, and I was ok with that. There's just something about a new puppy suprise. Kids need them at least a few times in their lives. Moms need them. Dads need them.

Yes, dad needed one. He was running super late coming home from work so I called to check on him. He says, "we are having trouble getting her to come into the car". Yep, he bought a pup. "She" is definitely the new GSP baby. What was my reaction?

YYYAAAAAYYYYY! I bubbled over internally of course. I had to be poker faced, because it was a surprise for the kids and I'm a home school mom, so we were all in the same room as usual.  And I did so good hiding it! I was anxious while waiting for him to get home though, so I surprised the kids by taking them out to Mc Donald's for surprise fries. Yes, that's totally a thing, and it helped me wait those last few minutes.

She can't wait for her first hike with her daddy. And she sure loves her new sisters.


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