
Showing posts from January, 2019

Christmas at Our House

 2018 Family Photo I grew up with some pretty great Christmases, but Christmas at our house is even better. My husband grew up with a Christmas queen of a mom and an Aunt that likes to spoil all of us. Before we even got married they taught me that presents aren't to be torn into all at once. You hand them out one by one, then you go around the room giving everyone the opportunity to open one at a time while everyone else watches. At first, with my impatient nature, I thought this would take way too long. About half way through the first 3-4 hour ordeal I was sure I was right. But, by the end when you've witnessed so many smiles and "ooooohs" and "aaaaahs", you just can't help but be glad you slowed down to savor the moment. We have been doing Christmas at our house this way for 15 years. Now we have a 10 year old and a 13 year old, so Christmas is even better. They are too old to believe in Santa Clause, but they are not too old to love the hol...

Goals versus Resolutions

Have you ever set a resolution, only to have it turn into a dis-illusion by March? Me, too. That's why I set goals rather than resolutions. Sure, I may jot down a word that I want to focus on for the year, something like "love" or "grace"., but I don't obsess over resolutions- type ideas. I pray about it, but I have learned not to obsess. But when it comes to productivity and actually getting things done....I LOVE goal setting. It fires me up. I'm not competitive with anyone else....mostly myself. Time runs out. I'm reminded that there are only 24 hours in a day. I become human at about 9:30 pm when it's time to wind down for bed. But it never fails. If I write goals and stay focused with daily to do lists then I get more done.  I've come to learn that, for me at least..... .....a good life is partly the result of the enthusiastic tackling of a worthwhile to-do list . I may only get 2-3 things done today, but because I have s...