Christmas at Our House

 2018 Family Photo

I grew up with some pretty great Christmases, but Christmas at our house is even better. My husband grew up with a Christmas queen of a mom and an Aunt that likes to spoil all of us. Before we even got married they taught me that presents aren't to be torn into all at once. You hand them out one by one, then you go around the room giving everyone the opportunity to open one at a time while everyone else watches.

At first, with my impatient nature, I thought this would take way too long. About half way through the first 3-4 hour ordeal I was sure I was right. But, by the end when you've witnessed so many smiles and "ooooohs" and "aaaaahs", you just can't help but be glad you slowed down to savor the moment. We have been doing Christmas at our house this way for 15 years.

Now we have a 10 year old and a 13 year old, so Christmas is even better. They are too old to believe in Santa Clause, but they are not too old to love the holidays. They are both very sweet girls that love to have special moments with each other and with me and my husband. They have lots of cousins to occasionally share with, and they are kind enough to let them in the action as well. Here are a few special things we did for Christmas this year that the girls really liked.
  • We took a family photo for Christmas cards
  • We took silly Christmas pictures of our GSP, Zelda. 

  • We had their friends over for a Christmas Cookie decorating party
  • Our 13 year old plays cello. She had 2 concerts and we went to both. 
  • We did a lot of Christmas shopping as a family of 4 and me and my husband had a couple of nice dates as well. 
  • We went caroling with a group of kids at church to encourage 5 of our members who are elderly and not doing well. The girls particularly liked this. At the last stop, in a memory care facility, although we were only there to sing to one of the residents, we ended up singing for about 20 of them. Every resident was sooooooo thankful to hear the Christmas carols. We got to hold hands with elderly patients that may not have been able to share the holidays with anyone else. Those smiles and hand squeezes I'll not soon forget, and I think my girls will not either. 
  • On Christmas Eve we took the girls out for a nice dinner at the local hibachi grill. They loved it. I have to say we enjoyed it as well. 
  • A couple of days before Christmas my husband surprised me with Christmas flowers. A bouquet with red roses, hydrangea, etc. it was so pretty!
  • On Christmas day we had over my husband's family and opened all our presents together. 
When our girls were younger we had a few "hard candy Christmases" when money was tight. It took us about 7 years to get out of debt, and during that time we did not buy extravagant things for each other for Christmas, and we didn't buy a lot of extra treats or food. These days we have a bit more to share with each other and with those around us. It feels good to be in that place. We are blessed. 

Christmas at our house is full of love, sharing and family time. We are able to buy things for each other now, but we try to remember that the best parts of Christmas are the family time and sharing whatever we have, no matter how small, with someone else. We hope yours is like that, too. 


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