
Showing posts from January, 2013

Likeable Business

Who's ready for a book report! Thank you to Monica who suggested I post this report. Likeable Business was a good book, and while you'll most benefit from reading the book, maybe this report hits the high points.  Likeable Business by Dave Kerpen is a valuable book that reviews why today’s consumers demand more and how business leaders can cater to these increasing demands. With eleven chapters on eleven principles of likeable business, the book is well organized and the stories made it easy to read. I enjoyed learning more about principles of Likeable business.  The growth of The Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Physician’s Preference, and Hotze Pharmacy rest upon the foundation of extraordinary hospitality and guest service. Our guests’ expectations are rising, and the higher our expectations are for the operations of our business and delivery of excellent service, the faster we will grow. What great timing to read this book.   11 Principles of Likea...

Memaw, snow, babies, and birthday cakes

So, what have we been up to lately? Oh, we have been extraordinarily busy! Here is an update so you know where we've been! (by the way, wet fingernails so excuse any creative typing) In the past 30 days: We got to see my mom (Memaw), and we had not seen her in 10 MONTHS. She was here in town for both Christmas as well as a special arrival you'll hear about in just a moment. The kids just couldn't get enough of Memaw while she was here (neither could I).  We took a wonderful, magical Christmas road trip to Tennessee to see Grandma, and it SNOWED. We left town at 3pm Christmas day and didn't get to grandmas until 4:30 am on the 26th. We arrived safely through snow and ice and after hours of going only 45mph (because of snow and ice). I've never been so happy to get somewhere! Thank you to Mr. Extraordinary for driving 90% of the way there and for just being the best husband ever. We got a new nephew, and for fun we will call him Mr. Ash. He is a teeny ...

Our Prayer Basket

Happy New Year my Friends!! So, are your Christmas decorations down? Mine aren't! I'll do it this weekend I'm sure. I did, however, take down the Christmas cards off the blinds and off the China cabinet (or the Chinese cabinet as IPK calls it). I went ahead and took those down because I knew exactly where to put them, and I love to put things where they belong. Yay for feeling a little bit organized!! I love to see the the mail pile with handwritten addresses and colorful envelopes. I love to carefully open each one. I love to see the pictures, and think about those who have sent greetings, and post them up in the dining room. It's just a happy process- getting a card in the mail. It reminds you of the loved one who sent it, and fond feelings and memories flood closely behind. But then, after the holidays, what do you do with them? I have an idea for you- make a prayer basket! The last time I visited my late Aunt Wanda I noticed that before we said our p...