
Showing posts from November, 2012

1,000 Blessings- How to Count Them

For almost a year now, I've been counting my blessings on my phone. God has provided so many blessings for me and my family. There are almost too many to count, but when God blesses you with health, wealth, a wonderful family, great friends, security, peace, and love, how can you not? Ok, so,  I'll share how I've done it, and I hope you will consider doing something similar. How to do 1,000 blessings: 1.        Create a note on your iphone, ipad, or droid, and name it “1,000 Blessings”. 2.        Set a reminder on your phone to recur every evening about 5 minutes before bed time, to remind you to add to your list. 3.        Every evening add 3 blessings to your list. They can be people, things, and events. Look for things of value in your life that you want to be sure to take notice of. After a year you will have accumulated over 1,000 blessings! Here are a few of my blessi...

Holly Jolly Holiday Tips

Well, I've been a busy little bee this past week! I.... Passed my staff exam for the 10th year in a row, so now I don't need to take it anymore. Woohoo! Created a business plan for 2013 (wow that felt good) Attended a sales training workshop weekend And, I.... Did nothing else except these three things for the past week, and my husband still loves me. I thank God for his patience and support!. Ok, so I left 1 thing out. Most beneficial for YOU, I've been blogging on our business site about helpful holidays tips. It's a blog series called the 12 days of Holly Jolly. Look for the post "Untangling Christmas" . It's a book you can buy or download. Wow- I read that book last year and it had me way more organized before Christmas! Read Holly Jolly Here for holiday health tips, shopping tips, recipes, and more!! Here's to happier holidays for you and yours! Tink

You Say....God Says.....

Today is a great day to remember what God has to say! Keep marching in truth! (and a little Inositol vitamin for anxiety is helpful too) Tink

Mr. Extraordinary for President

In the midst of a stressful election, I'd like to help everyone remember a core truth. The President is no doubt important, but the President of the United States is not the only position or person leading us. He's not the only leader that matters. Governors matter, Judges matter, elders of the church matter, bosses matter, fathers matter, and husbands matter. For many of us with Godly husbands, they matter a LOT. They are the ones leading our households day in and day out in the God-ward direction. They may not get a final say in gas prices or the unemployment rate, but they are building our families. The bottom line is that they are protecting our lives and souls with their whole selves. Mr. Extraordinary is my husband, and today I'll focus on the extraordinary Christian leadership he continues to provide for our family... A few things about Mr. Extraordinary: He loves his wife and little girls wit...

Favorite Lessons from my Kids

Have you ever learned a lesson from your child? It's usually the parent teaching the child, but I think God gives us kids to teach us the lessons we didn't even know we needed to learn. My girls teach me lessons all the time, and I'm sure you have learned similar lessons from your own kiddos. Here are a few of my favorites: Be a goober as often as possible - I'm usually the serious one, but after having two of the funniest goobers on earth (and being married to one), I'm finally learning how to NOT be so serious all the time. (as is evident by my mustache wearing IPK above). God gives us lots of chances - Punkin' must have learned this at school, and she says it a lot at home. It's a welcome reminder to me that as long as we are walking towards God and seeking him earnestly, He has wide open arms, ready to give us another chance. If you are sorry, act like it - When my kids do something wrong, and especially if they accidentally hurt someone, their re...

Please excuse the mess!

Dear Beautiful You (yes you),  Happy Friday! As our little Punkin' says- "it's my favorite week of the day!".  Now that there are more than 1 of you, I'll take a moment to apologize for this blog mess. I'm updating the look and feel, moving things around, and it looks like a completely different site. I still don't have it just right yet, so that's just a heads up. Tomorrow it might be neon pink or something. Is this a midlife blog crisis? I don't think I'm quite old enough for that yet. Oh wait. Anyways.....  Ahhhh I really do not like messes. If it feels chaotic I like to throw it away. BUT I love it when you visit me, and it's just way too like me to not have a "clean house" for you to see.  To explain, I decided to update my blog to make it just an ounce more personal. I try way too hard to appear like I have it all together. The truth is that I don't! Try as I might; God's strength is perfected in my wea...